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Eng 3 Manual: Introduction to Electronics

The Eng 3 Manual contains all of the key information related to the topics adrressed in Introduction to Electronics an intoduction to " Think like an Engineer" a Saplings STEM camp/course work. This includes descriptions of the electrical equipment utilized in the camp and safe practices in relation to the equipment. Information related to the software utilized in the camps and how to engage with the software packages including additional resources and quizzes. The manual also includes information related to the available lessons in the camps/course work and safety guidelines in relation to the projects.

The information manual also includes the theoretical practices linking inquiry and analysis to the learning and tasks with conclusions solidifying the learning and recommendations to continue the joy of learning and building.

During Intro to Electronics students will be introduced to basics of electronics and electrical testing equipment. Students will be guided through a complete lesson related to actuators to get comfortable using the software and interacting with the hardware. Each student will have access to a complete electronic starter kit that can be purchased at the end of the course if they want to continue their building journey.

In addition to the lessons students will be introduced to oscilloscopes and additional electrical testing equipment.

Last update: March 7, 2024
Created: March 7, 2024