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Electrical Equipment

Technology is all around us, but do we know how it works?


Throughout history civilizations have been intrigued by electricity. Th earth can be interpreted as a giant magnet and one only needs to look out in the sky during a lightning storm to understand why people throughout history wanted to know more.

Deeper Inquiry Link:
History and Experiments of Electricity

Some of the first applications of electricity are related to enhancing communication between people.

What is a radio and how does it work?

  • How would you build a radio?
    1) Do you know what signals a radio recieves?
    2) Do you know what signals a radio emits?

  • What are the basics you would need to know to analyze if the radio is working properly?

    1) Do you know how to measure a volt?
    1) Do you know how to measure resisitance?

Last update: March 7, 2024
Created: March 7, 2024