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Guided Project


  • Lesson 0 Installing IDE
  • Lesson 1 Add Libraries and Open Serial Monitor
  • Lesson 9 Servo

Partnered Project


  • Lesson 2 Blink
  • Lesson 3 LED
  • Lesson 4 RGB LED
  • Lesson 5 Digital Inputs
  • Lesson 6 Active buzzer
  • Lesson 7 Passive Buzzer
  • Lesson 8 Tilt Ball Switch
  • Lesson 9 Servo
  • Lesson 10 Ultrasonic Sensor Module
  • Lesson 11 DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • Lesson 12 Analog Joystick Module
  • Lesson 13 IR Receiver Module
  • Lesson 14 LCD Display
  • Lesson 15 Thermometer
  • Lesson 16 Eight LED with 74HC595
  • Lesson 17 The Serial Monitor
  • Lesson 18 Photocell
  • Lesson 19 74HC595 And Segment Display
  • Lesson 20 Four Digital Seven Segment Display
  • Lesson 21 DC Motors
  • Lesson 22 Relay
  • Lesson 23 Stepper Motor
  • Lesson 24 Controlling Stepper Motor With Remote

Additional Research Link: ELEGOO

Last update: March 7, 2024
Created: March 7, 2024